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One, two, three… Brand New Inclusion Multiplier Events!

As Brand New Inclusion is moving towards its conclusion, the partnership composed of 4 European Countries has been working to the dissemination of the results and the collective creations developed over the last 28 months.

The calendar of multiplier events that have took place between the end of February and the March was impressive, offering several occasions to bring outside partner organizations intellectual outputs: the guidelines “Converted education, upgraded knowledge” resulting from research coordinated by the Department of Philosophy and Communication of the University of Bologna; a collection of learning units on STEAM subjects and Open Solutions “STEAM-KITcoordinated by University College of Leuven; the Massive Open Online Course “Open Solutions for lifelong learning” designed and implemented by Archilabò, with content created collaboratively by all the partner schools. Last but not least, the students’ handouts, the additional output suggested by ISTAS Spallanzani in order to exploit applications and platforms mapped through the project outputs also with students.

Each event has been characterized by the identity of the hosting institution: ISTAS Spallanzani, IIS Alberghetti and ITAC Scarabelli Ghini organized hands-on workshops to practically demonstrate the value and the relevance of project output, addressing teachers’ needs at various school grades and levels.

The University of Bologna and the University College of Leuven tailored their events to share the results respectively with teachers at an upper secondary school in Bologna and higher education students enrolled in educational studies with an ICT specialization.

PGME and Platon school opened their events to other international organizations and policy makers and other professionals working in the education field respectively, focusing on the reasons underlying the Brand New Inclusion project and the benefits of integrating project results into teaching and learning practices.

As a final event, Archilabò organized a roundtable discussion dedicated to Open Education and its importance in a framework of lifelong learning, with the precious contribution from all project partners. For this last event, Archilabò extends its gratitude to Le Serre dei Giardini Margherita and the network of experts at Open Education Italia. 

Despite the official conclusion of the project, we have plans to spread Brand New Inclusion results furtherly. So, stay in touch! If you want to learn more about the project visit the project webpage or write to:
